
Why Did Julia Merfeld Go to Jail? Is She Still in Jail?

In a case that captured national attention, Julia Merfeld found herself at the center of a criminal plot that seemed more akin to a Hollywood thriller than real life. Merfeld’s story is a stark reminder of how quickly the fabric of one’s life can unravel, leading to decisions that carry profound consequences. This article delves into the details of why Julia Merfeld went to jail, the nature of her crime, the legal proceedings that followed, and her current status regarding incarceration.

The Crime

Julia Merfeld’s journey to incarceration began with a chilling plan: the murder-for-hire plot against her own husband. In 2013, Merfeld, then 21 years old, was caught on tape discussing the assassination of her husband with an undercover detective posing as a hitman. The videos, which later became public, showed Merfeld negotiating the price and logistics of the murder, citing her preference for it to look like a robbery gone wrong.

Her motives were as cold as the crime itself; Merfeld sought to collect on her husband’s $400,000 life insurance policy, believing that this would afford her a more comfortable and unencumbered lifestyle. This calculated attempt to orchestrate her husband’s murder revealed a disturbing willingness to eliminate human life for personal gain.

The Arrest and Legal Proceedings

Merfeld’s plot came to light thanks to a coworker to whom she had confided her plan. This individual, taking a stand for justice, informed the authorities, leading to an undercover operation that would eventually ensnare Merfeld. Her discussions with the supposed hitman, captured on video, served as damning evidence against her.

Upon her arrest, the legal system moved swiftly. Merfeld was charged with solicitation to commit murder, a serious felony that underscored the gravity of her intentions. During the proceedings, the prosecution presented the video recordings as irrefutable evidence of her guilt, leaving little room for defense.

In a surprising turn, Merfeld pled guilty, a move that possibly aimed at garnering a more lenient sentence by acknowledging her wrongdoing. The court, faced with the task of delivering justice in a case marked by premeditated malice, sentenced Julia Merfeld to a minimum of six years and a maximum of 20 years in prison.

The Sentencing and Its Aftermath

Merfeld’s sentencing was a moment of reckoning, not just for her but for all involved. The judge, in delivering the sentence, emphasized the premeditated nature of the crime and the chilling detachment with which Merfeld sought to end her husband’s life. The case raised questions about the value of human life, the depths of personal betrayal, and the consequences of greed.

In an emotional twist, Merfeld’s husband spoke at her sentencing, expressing a complex mix of betrayal, sorrow, and forgiveness. His plea for a lenient sentence for the mother of his children highlighted the personal tragedy underpinning the criminal act.

Is Julia Merfeld Still in Jail?

The question of whether Julia Merfeld is still in jail hinges on several factors, including the length of her sentence, her behavior in prison, and the parole system’s assessment of her rehabilitation. Given her sentence was handed down in 2013, and considering the minimum term of six years, there’s a possibility that Merfeld could have been eligible for parole after serving the minimum sentence.

However, specific details about Merfeld’s current status would require up-to-date information from the penal system or public records. In cases like these, parole decisions often take into account the inmate’s behavior while incarcerated, their engagement in rehabilitation programs, and the perceived risk they pose to society.


Julia Merfeld’s case is a harrowing tale of betrayal, avarice, and the profound consequences of criminal actions. Her journey from a seemingly ordinary individual to a convicted felon serves as a cautionary tale about the choices we make and their lasting impact on our lives and the lives of others. Whether Merfeld is still in jail or has since been released, her story remains a stark reminder of the thin line between right and wrong and the heavy price of crossing it.

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